Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #26 Under Saddle Tools For the Spooky Horse equine clicker 101 spooky horse target training under saddle

Techniques for helping the spooky horse to focus under saddle. The key is that it is the horse’s choice to redirect his attention back to working with his rider. Often times we utilize equipment that controls a physical response, but the horses can remain in the same internal, emotionally charged...

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #25 Recognizing your Horse’s Body Language clicker equine body language equine clicker 101 equine emotions equine facial expressions horse body language positive reinforcement training r+ training recognizing training

In this lesson, I discuss equine body language, facial expressions and the importance of recognizing when our horses go over threshold. These observations give us important information that we can use to improve our training. Our horses’ emotions are an important part of our relationship and they...

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #24 Clipping Can Be Fun for Your Horse clicker clipper shy horse desensitization equine clicker 101 target training

Using positive reinforcement we can teach our horses to not only stand quietly, but to actually look forward to the clipping process. We will utilize systematic desensitization and counterconditioning. They sound like big words but it is a simple and useful tool to have in your toolbox for lots o...

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #23 Teaching Your Horse to Balance Using the Reverse Round Pen equine clicker 101

We will be talking about how to help get your horse fit and balanced using the reverse round pen. Fading ourselves to the center of the circle is our first objective. We will also be introducing new cues including verbal to help prepare for ridden work.

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #22 Introduction to the Reverse Round Pen equine clicker 101

The reverse round pen means that you are on the inside and the horse is on the outside. It is an excellent tool for helping your horse to get fit, develop balance and proper biomechanics while also giving him a choice. In addition it can be used to teach upward/downward transitions and impulse co...

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #21 Teaching Your Horse to Cross Tie Like a Boss equine clicker 101

We will work on using positive reinforcement to help our horses to be relaxed and happy in the cross ties. We will teach him how to respond to the sensation of being tied, whether a single tie or cross ties.

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #20 Really Free Free-Jumping equine clicker 101

We discuss and practice free jumping…not with a chute and whip, but with the obstacle in the middle of an arena or paddock.  We will utilize positive reinforcement to help horses enjoy and CHOOSE to jump.  Most horses find it fun and it stretches their toppline, which is good for any horse!

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #19 A to B’s Useful and Fun Exercise for Your Horse clicker equine clicker 101 equine positive reinforcement training point a to b positive reinforcement - the basics positive reinforcement training r+ training target training

In this lesson we being teaching our horses to go from point A to Point B. This is useful for exercise, for teaching your horse to go away from you, to trailer load, and for teaching your horse to jump or go over obstacles.

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #18 Dealing With Spooky Objects counter-conditioning desensitization equine clicker 101 horse emotions - horse behavior spooky horse systematic desensitization target training

Horses often times find unfamiliar things scary. In this lesson we will discuss(and practice) how to help your horse to perceive new things as good instead of worrisome. Technically speaking, it is called systematic desensitization and counter conditioning. It is a fantastic tool for all sorts of...

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #17 Teaching Your Horse to Go Forward, On the Ground and Under Saddle clicker equine clicker 101 equine positive reinforcement training forward movement positive reinforcement - the basics positive reinforcement training r+ training target training under saddle

Many people struggle with good ways to motivate their horse to go forward…to WANT to go forward when asked. In this lesson we discuss ways to help your horse go forward. By utilizing positive reinforcement we put something in it the the horse wants and values and this is a game changer. We will d...

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #16 Traveling to New Places With Your Horse clicker equine clicker 101 target trailer trailer loading trailer loading and travel trailer travel training

The trailer is only part of the equation. Teaching your horse to be relaxed, settled and focused in new places is crucial for creating a good experience. Often times this element is overlooked. Yet, the fear of new places and things can become the impetus for your horse to refuse to load in the t...

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #15 Teaching Your Horse To Travel in the Trailer clicker equine clicker 101 target trailer trailer loading trailer loading and travel trailer travel training

Trailer loading/traveling is actually a lot of behaviors all put together. So we are going to address how to use positive reinforcement for each of the different stages to ensure that the horse enjoys and understands each element. This time we introduce the trailer actually moving.

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #14 Trailer Loading Part Two clicker equine clicker 101 target trailer trailer loading trailer loading and travel trailer travel

Trailer loading/traveling is actually a lot of behaviors all put together. So we are going to address how to use positive reinforcement for each of the different stages to ensure that the horse enjoys and understands each element.

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #13 Trailer Loading Part One clicker equine clicker 101 target trailer trailer loading trailer loading and travel trailer travel training

Helping horses who have difficulty loading become more than compliant about this essential behavior but actually enjoy it by utilizing positive reinforcement training.

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #12 Reaching the Rescue, Untouchable or Abused Horse abused horse clicker equine clicker 101 relationship building target training untouchable/wild horse

Helping the rescue, feral, abused equine to go beyond acclimating to a life with humans, we will help them find their human interactions to be enjoyable utilizing positive reinforcement training. I address their fears, behavior and psychological state so that we can create a horse who is emotiona...

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #11 Using the Clicker While in the Saddle clicker equine clicker 101 target under saddle

How to introduce the clicker for ridden work. Using positive reinforcement(R+) and feeding while mounted seems complicated but it is actually pretty simple. R+ is great for addressing all sorts of under saddle issues but in this episode we will work through the early steps. More to come in upcomi...

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #10 Mounting Made Easy clicker equine clicker 101 mounting mounting block training under saddle

Help your horse to enjoy holding still for mounting. We will discuss techniques to minimize fidgeting, sidling and walking away. This technique will help them to be solid for mounting out on the trail, at a show, basically anyplace, anytime.

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #9 Worming and Handling Your Horse’s Mouth equine clicker 101 horse care and husbandry

Teaching your horse to accept wormer and oral medications. In the process we help them to become desensitized to mouth handling.

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #8 Better Handling is EVERYTHING desensitization equine clicker 101

Preparing your horse for clipping, mounting, vet care, farrier work and your visiting nephews. This is a process that includes systematic desensitization and . That sounds dull but and it is more important than you might realize.

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #6 Creating a Solid Foundation, A Review of the Basics equine clicker 101

Getting the fundamental Positive Reinforcement Training skills strengthened. The clicker skills go much deeper than a physical skill set. We are creating a horse who loves solving the puzzles that come along with training horses.

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #5 Teaching Your Horse to Stand by Jeffers Pet equine clicker 101 equine positive reinforcement training positive reinforcement training

Teaching your horse to stand. Standing still, calm and relaxed, anytime, any place is one of the most important behaviors in their repertoire. Using the positive reinforcement in a systematic way increases clarity as well as your horse’s motivation.

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #4 Stationary Target and Shifting Context by Jeffers Pet clicker equine clicker 101 positive reinforcement - the basics target target training training

Shawna takes you through stationary targeting, shifting context and some pointers for horses who try to hard or are a little shut down using positive reinforcement.

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #3 What Is Targeting by Jeffers Pet clicker equine clicker 101 positive reinforcement - the basics target target training training

In this lesson we talk about what a target is as it relates to positive reinforcement training and why it is useful and then introduce it to our horses.

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