Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #49 Take Your Horse From Too Eager or Frustrated to Relaxed equine clicker 101 horse emotions - horse behavior

In this lesson we discuss ways to help our horses to choose relaxation and settling over excitability. We want to teach them that standing quietly is the most reinforcing behavior…ever!

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #48 Helping the Food Aggressive Horse equine clicker 101 food aggression horse emotions - horse behavior

Many people think they couldn’t go with Positive Reinforcement training because of the way their horses behave around food. In this episode I discuss ways to help horses learn to be mannerly about food. It is easier than you think!

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #47 Helping the Barn Sour or Buddy Sour Horse equine clicker 101 horse emotions - horse behavior separation anxiety

In this lesson I will discuss separation anxiety. This can be a worrisome and even unsafe challenge for both horses and horse owners. I will discuss ways to help them with their worry while also creating a better association with being on their own or out in the world. Naturally, I will focus on ...

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #46 Make Your Horse’s 1st Horse Show Positive

When it comes to horse showing, what do you want? A horse who is calm and confident or a horse who is nervous and has a hard time focusing? Horse shows are full on new sights, sounds and smells. Setting your horse up for success at the horse show is more than preparing them for the arena. If done...

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #44 Taking Collection Under Saddle equine clicker 101 under saddle

We have discussed how to begin introducing collection in the last lesson. This lesson will move into taking those exercises under saddle using positive reinforcement to create a great association.

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #43 Introduction to Collection collection collection on ground equine clicker 101 ground work

In this episode we will discuss ways to prepare your horse for collection. Starting on the ground and discussing what we are looking for.

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #45 Introducing Positive Reinforcment to the “Made” Horse equine clicker 101 equine positive reinforcement training positive reinforcement training r+ to made horse r+ training

Most horses that we come across have already been taught a vast majority of the things they know through traditional training. These horse’s are often referred to as crossover horses. We are shifting our focus to positive reinforcement, how do we move forward? I discuss how to move

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #42 Teaching a Horse to Move Off Pressure with Positive Reinforcement equine clicker 101 equine positive reinforcement training move off pressure positive reinforcement - the basics positive reinforcement training r+ training

Teaching pressure as a cue, with a strong positive reinforcement history instead of using escalating pressure. While this may seem like a matter of semantics, the resulting emotional state is quite different. I describe the difference and ways to create the behavior utilizing positive reinforceme...

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #41 What to Do When Your Horse is Clueless: Make a Plan equine clicker 101 equine positive reinforcement training positive reinforcement - the basics positive reinforcement training r+ training young horse

Sometimes, during training sessions, our horses get off track. I discuss ways to get back on track, to bring clarity to our sessions and to minimize frustration.

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #40 Hand Targets and Teaching Recall equine clicker 101 positive reinforcement - the basics r+ training target target training training

Utilizing our hands as targets is easy to teach and obviously convenient. In addition, pairing it with their name becomes is an easy way to teach a recall.

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #39 Subtleties of Body Language and Eye Contact equine clicker 101 equine facial expressions eye contact horse body language

This lesson is focused on learning to recognize facial expressions, body language and the value of eye contact. All of this serves as way for our horses to communicate how they are feeling. It gives us valuable information about our horses and helps us to strengthen our bond.

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #38 How to Make Bath Time Fun bathing equine clicker 101 horse care and husbandry

Teaching your horse to enjoy baths isn’t so hard especially when using positive reinforcement, We don’t want him to simply tolerate it, we want him to like it. We discuss ways to get your horse acclimated to the hose, running water and getting sudsy!

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #37 What To Do When It All Goes Pear Shaped equine clicker 101 equine emotions frustration horse emotions - horse behavior

When things don’t go as planned it is easy for you and your horse to become frustrated. In this Lesson I discuss ways to minimize frustration and to keep training fun. We learn about least reinforcing stimulus (LRS) and differential reinforcement of incompatible behavior (DRI).

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #36 Timing is Key for Shaping Behavior behavior equine clicker 101 equine positive reinforcement training r+ training shaping behavior timing

Timing is key in any type of training and positive reinforcement training is no exception. This certainly holds true when we think about shaping movement. In this lesson I discuss some tips to develop better timing and targeted results.

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #35 Stop Your Horse Diving for Grass or, How To Make Hand Grazing Fun Again equine clicker 101 hand grazing horse care and husbandry leading horse liberty leading

Shawna Karrasch discusses the common springtime issue…diving for grass. We will discuss some thoughts and strategies to minimize this annoying habit. Understanding their motivation, offering valuable reinforcements and creating strong and salient cues can really change things!

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #34 Eliminate Fly Spray Fears clicker counter-conditioning desensitization equine clicker 101 equine emotions equine positive reinforcement training fly spray fly spraying horse care and husbandry positive reinforcement training

In this lesson we discuss and practice getting ready for fly season. We walk through the steps to getting our horses comfortable with being sprayed with fly spray.

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #33 Bridling: Teaching or Reteaching clicker counter-conditioning desensitization equine clicker 101 equine positive reinforcement training ground work positive reinforcement training systematic desensitization

Teaching your horse to happily participate in bridling isn’t hard to do when utilizing positive reinforcement as part of the equation. In this lesson I discuss what steps to take to create seamless bridling. In addition, I discuss how to change the reluctant horse into a happy participant.

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #32 Take Your Horse From Liberty to Under Tack equine clicker 101 target target training training under saddle

As we begin training we often teach behaviors with our horses at liberty. This gives them a choice and provides us with a lot of information. But how do we move from liberty work to utilizing equipment while still giving our horses a voice? In this lesson I will discuss the different ways to tran...

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #31 Preparing to Take Your Training on the Road clicker equine clicker 101 equine positive reinforcement training target trailer trailer loading and travel trailer travel training

It is important to be sure that our horses understand and chose to focus on the things that we have taught them, even in new and distracting situations. I discuss ways to strengthen your horses focus and build reliability with your training.

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #30 Gate Aggression clicker counter-conditioning desensitization equine body language equine clicker 101 equine positive reinforcement training gate manners group training positive reinforcement training target training

Teach your horse to be cordial at the gate. Resource guarding is common among social animals, including horses. I discuss some techniques to help them to make better, safer choices at the gate or when in a group setting.

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #28 Mindful Leading clicker equine clicker 101 equine positive reinforcement training liberty leading positive reinforcement training r+ training target training

Leading often leaves something to be desired. In this lesson we discuss ways to help get your horse refocused and back in the game of leading. It is often too much momentum that leads to many of the challenges so we discuss ways to help our horses practice some impulse control.

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #27 Biting and Nipping and How To Fix It biting horse clicker equine body language equine emotions equine positive reinforcement training horse body language nipping nipping horse positive reinforcement training r+ training target

In this lesson we discuss why horses bite. It’s not always what you might think. We also discuss positive and constructive ways to address the unwanted behavior.

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