
Training advice, inspirations, and motivations all found here.

#11: What to do About that Spook!

Horses are by nature, neophobic...this means they find new sights, smells...


#10: Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Enthusiasm?

Develop a calm and relaxed problem solver and improve your relationship in the process. Hi allā€¦


#9: Understanding Behaviorism vs. Cognitive Learning: A Holistic Approach

There has been a lot of debate surrounding behaviorism versus cognitive learning. However, it is...


#8: How to be the Lone R+ Crusader in Your Barn

Hello, Jessie here. My dad used to tell me, "you catch more flies with honey, than with vinegar"...


#7: What Does Being Present with Your Horse Look Like?

I just found this video of Henley after she had just gotten done showing at the Young Horse...


#6: The Importance of "Play" in Your Training

Teaching our horses to enjoy playing the game of training, includes teaching them to be relaxed...


#5: The Body, Brain, and Emotions Are All Working Together

Emotional bonds AREĀ influenced by reinforcers. But behavior and emotions are a much bigger picture...


#4: From Whales to Warmbloods

My animalĀ training skills were developed during my 10 years of training marine mammals. It was a...


#3: Is Your Horse Doing This Just for the Food?

Do you think your horse is only doing it for the food? Many people find their way to positive reinforcement...


#2: Does the Emotional State Matter and How Does it Apply to Building Boldness?

Did you ever think that if you could get a young horse who didn't have emotional baggage, then I...


#1: Focus on the Emotional State to Create Confidence

This is a fun little video of Henley at about a month old. She was fiercely independent even as a...Ā 
