Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #16 Traveling to New Places With Your Horse clicker equine clicker 101 target trailer trailer loading trailer loading and travel trailer travel training

The trailer is only part of the equation. Teaching your horse to be relaxed, settled and focused in new places is crucial for creating a good experience. Often times this element is overlooked. Yet, the fear of new places and things can become the impetus for your horse to refuse to load in the t...

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #15 Teaching Your Horse To Travel in the Trailer clicker equine clicker 101 target trailer trailer loading trailer loading and travel trailer travel training

Trailer loading/traveling is actually a lot of behaviors all put together. So we are going to address how to use positive reinforcement for each of the different stages to ensure that the horse enjoys and understands each element. This time we introduce the trailer actually moving.

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #14 Trailer Loading Part Two clicker equine clicker 101 target trailer trailer loading trailer loading and travel trailer travel

Trailer loading/traveling is actually a lot of behaviors all put together. So we are going to address how to use positive reinforcement for each of the different stages to ensure that the horse enjoys and understands each element.

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Equine Clicker 101 Lesson #13 Trailer Loading Part One clicker equine clicker 101 target trailer trailer loading trailer loading and travel trailer travel training

Helping horses who have difficulty loading become more than compliant about this essential behavior but actually enjoy it by utilizing positive reinforcement training.

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